
Setup Access & SDK

How to access the Konko API and install the Python SDK

First you'll need an API key

You can request it by messaging [email protected] or joining our discord

Once you have your API key

You can query the Konko API either:

  1. Directly via HTTP in any popular language (learn how through our interactive documentation)
  2. Via Konko's Python SDK

Install Konko AI's Python SDK

1. Enable a Python3.8+ environment

2. Install the SDK

pip install konko

3. Set API Keys

Option 1: Set Environment Variables

  1. You can set environment variables for
    1. KONKO_API_KEY (Required)
    2. OPENAI_API_KEY (Optional)
  2. In your current shell session, use the export command:
export KONKO_API_KEY={your_KONKO_API_KEY_here}
export OPENAI_API_KEY={your_OPENAI_API_KEY_here} #Optional

Alternatively, you can add the above lines directly to your shell startup script (such as .bashrc or .bash_profile for Bash shell and .zshrc for Zsh shell) to have them set automatically every time a new shell session starts.

Option 2: Set API Keys Programmatically

If you prefer to set your API keys directly within your Python script or Jupyter notebook, you can use the following commands:

konko.set_openai_api_key('your_OPENAI_API_KEY_here') # Optional

4. Verify Installation & Authentication

#Confirm konko has installed successfully
import konko
#Confirm API keys from Konko and OpenAI are set properly